Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Introducing ....Kornfetti

First, I would like to thank my friend, Jeff, owner of the T-Shirt business, LifeIsStupid.com, for coming up with the name, Kornfetti. I was trying to come up with a name, for weeks, for this awesome chocolate drizzled caramel popcorn, and during our Business Builder Book Club meeting, (businessbuilderbookclub.com), we were brainstorming on names for our products, and Jeff came up with "Kornfetti". It was very appropriate, since my caramel popcorn is drizzled with chocolate, but not just white, milk, or dark chocolate. It is drizzled with up to 3 colors of my customers choice, of white chocolate. Or they can choose from a variety of colors of jimmies, to be sprinkled on any combination of white, milk, and/or dark chocolate!

I will be introducing Kornfetti to the public in 2010, to my current clientelle, as well as the bridal shows, coming up in January, February, and March.


1 comment:

  1. Kornfetti is by far the best tasting popcorn confection I have ever had. It has just the right amount of sweetness and you can taste each of the drizzled flavors. I've had many other popcorn products that leave my teeth feeling not so good and the sugar is way overpowering. Finding that taste balance is what Erin has done with Kornfetti. Each bite is light and fluffy yummy goodness.
